A comprehensive and full review of a Waste Management Plan includes public consultation. arc21 has done so during each review with the last one completed in 2014.
A Waste Management Plan must take account of the Northern Ireland Waste Strategy produced by DAERA which is also the subject of public consultation.
arc21 also conducted an expansive pre-planning public consultation in 2013 on proposals to develop Hightown Quarry into a suite of facilities to treat residual waste on the one site. This consultation entailed a number of public drop in sessions at different locations, the distribution of 28,000 project leaflets to the nearby community, the production of a response pro-formas, a number of meetings with interested groups/organisations, the development of an animated explanatory video as well as establishing a project website.
While considerable effort was expended on consulting on the Waste Management Plan, as part of its advocacy role, in support of its partner councils, arc21 also provides comment on relevant Government (and other consultations. These constitute the considered view of arc21 and its partner councils and are presented to the Steering Group and Joint Committee for ratification. Occasionally, it results in members of the arc21 team presenting to Government Committees and Ministers – both regionally and nationally.